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Main / Religion / Praying


Praying can increase your faith and the rate at which you gain favor. You'll need to pray at an altar to gain faith.

You can pray as often as you want but only five prayers, spaced at least 20 minutes apart, will increase your faith in any 24 hour period. The 24 hours is determined by server uptime. Use the chat command /uptime to check this. In other words, you can pray five times between zero uptime and 24 hours, five more between one day and two days, etc.

You can pray at other locations than altars, depending on your god. While these actions will still give you prayer skill, praying at these locations does not increase your faith.

The skill praying currently has no effect whatsoever, and will be removed or reworked later.


  • Reverent at 50 skill
  • No title at 70 skill