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I have moved some information here during the deployment of the new permissions, this may not be relevant afterwards. --Marni, Wurmpedia Manager (talk) 21:07, 27 September 2015 (CEST)



This text is taken straight from a GM Hall forum post by HGM Enki and summarises some of the key good to know facts about security.

A5 - Securing Your Items:

  • If it can be locked, it generally should be locked (or in a house).
  • Most vehicles have management settings which are only in effect if locked. They can still be dragged if locked but not moored or hitched.
  • BSB's & FSB's can be locked by others (even on a deed or in a house) and should be locked by the owner if accessible by other parties. When bashed, the contents are gone.
  • Chests can be locked and will drop the contents on the ground when bashed. Locked small chests can be picked up and burned in a fire to release the contents.
  • Houses are locked for access only and protection is provided by the writ itself. House locks do not have keys and the writ only shows in inventory if the building is on your current server.
  • It is illegal to lockpick anything that does not belong to you on a PVE server.
  • If you live on a dictatorship deed, be aware that the mayor has total control of everything on that deed. It is possible for them to expel you, break into your house, and take all of your items.

The notes on this page are mainly aimed at the PvE servers.


Settlements have a great variety of permission and security settings that can help to keep the belongings of yourself and your fellow villagers safe from any unwanted attention such as bashing or theft. Villagers, friendly deeds and alliance members all have customisable roles so it's a great way to invoke different levels of security to players (or groups of players) depending on how much trust you have in them.


This section is mainly for those who wish to join a village and attempts to explain what to be on the look out for and how to maximise your personal security when living on someone else's land.

When you join a settlement it's good practice to check to see what type of politics are involved. If the village is a non-democracy (dictatorship) then the mayor may revoke your citizenship at any time potentially leaving you unable to collect your items. This is more crucial should there be gates or buildings you need to pass to do so as the mayor may lock these and deny you, or anyone, passage.

Building, or owning the writ to, a house on a mayor's settlement comes with some level of security but there are a few points that must be taken into consideration. For the sake of this section we will assume that no-one has been added to the house writ as a guest. The mayor may do any of the following (non-exhaustive list):

  • pick up items left in an unlocked container or on the floor
  • move any items inside of the house, even if locked - except for vehicles, that are hitched and locked, to which they have no access
  • modify your house (add, remove, continue, rotate, paint etc)
  • bash your walls, thus gaining access
  • bash the contents of your house

As you can see, a mayor has pretty much full control over houses on their deeds and only by adding a lock to the door(s) can you limit access to them, but it will not prevent them bashing the walls down. If the settlement permits you to do so ensure that all containers and doors are locked. If you are unable to attach locks it would be best to discuss this with the mayor before you begin leaving your items inside of the house. Never assume items you leave anywhere else on the deed are safe, they are not.

Other players, including villagers, will not be able to act as the mayor does in the above situations, even with the relevant settlement permissions enabled; only the mayor can override your house writ settings. Regularly checking the names of friends that have been added to writs is encouraged as accounts may be transferred to others at any time. Unless another player needs full-time access to a structure, only add them as a guest as needed.


Mayors have free roam of the land they've deeded, with the exception of not being able to open any container that they did not lock or do not have the key to, including their own containers in their own structures that they've planted. They are also unable to move, or unhitch animals from, vehicles they do not have access to.

Security for mayors is a little more simple in that providing the settlement permissions are tight they may store anything they like inside of an enclosed building without fear of it going astray. It is still good practice to use locks where possible and to regularly check writ permissions and settlement roles from time to time, especially if other villagers are allowed to modify them.