Guides:Starting with Nothing

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Wurm is designed so that a player can start with nothing, and create every essential and craftable item. No starter gear, no weapons, no tools, just a shirt and pants, not even shoes! Noobs start with a set of starting weapons and tools. These can be lost, or thrown out. Wurm allows that. 'It isn't easy', starting over in Wurm, 'but it is possible'.

If you:

  • Died an lost an essential item
  • Lost everything to raiders on a PVP server
  • Dropped your starter gear and lost it
  • Or you just want a challenge, aka Wurm Hard Mode

then this is for you. This is not for the faint of heart, even more so than Wurm normally is. But if you like a challenge, you may find it rewarding.

Make crude tools

Your first order of business is to find iron rock and branches, the more the better. Once you find a rock face, you need to rummage over it. Rummaging is like foraging but for rock instead of grass, trees, or steppe. You will likely only turn up two types of items: rock shards (in smaller amounts than you would mine) and iron rock. You will need both to make your first tool, a crude knife.

  • Go to a large cliff or rock tile for rummaging
  • Foraging tree tiles have a higher probability of branches
    • get about 6 branches

Smelting iron

Your going to need a lot more iron rocks, at least 17 (51kg) to make a carving knife and a shovel When you melt the iron rocks in a campfire you get .2kg for every 3kg.

While the iron rocks are heating up, you need to get about 6 more branches and make shafts, and a mallet

Make iron tools

  • Combine all of the *hot* lumps into one big lump.
  • Use the mallet on the lump to make a small anvil
  • use the remaining lump on the small anvil to make a carving knife blade and a shovel blade
  • use the knife on the shaft to make a handle
  • attach the handle to the carving knife blade
  • Attach a shaft to the shovel blade

This should be enough to get you going. You will need to get more iron rock for a pickaxe and hatchet, but now you can use the carving knife to make shafts, and the shovel to cut down trees (tip: only cut down mature trees, or fruit trees, you need a hatched to chop up felled trees)

Good luck in the lands of Wurm!