; The ground is too steep to mine at here. You need to make it more flat. : Occurs occasionally when mining the floor down. The cause is unknown.
; The ground sounds strangely hollow and brittle. You have to abandon the mining operation. : Occurs on the surface when there's already a tunnel on the tile being tunnelled, an entrance cannot be mined here.
; The topology here makes it impossible to mine in a good way. : Occurs when trying to create a mine entrance on a perfectly flat rock tile. 1 corner must be lowered with surface mining to continue.<br>Has also been reported underground, probably when mining that tile would create a flat mine entrance. Mining downwards may work in this case.
; The mountainside would risk crumbling. You can't open a hole here. : Occurs when attempting to create a mine entrance on a rock tile that is too steep. The maximum slope is 270.
; There is no space to mine here. Clear the area first. : Occurs when the tile occupied by the player has 100 a pile of items. Clear the area.