Stingard was a home(at least for some time) for a few more experienced players like [[User:Jungu|Jungu]], [[User:Pedro|Pedro]], [[User:Godfrey|Godfrey]] and [[User:Pafak|Pafak]]
During the gold map, there were attempts to rebuild Stignard Stingard stronger and better than in beta. Here are ppl that have been carried by this idea:
[[User:Pops|Pops]], [[User:Jungu|Jungu]], [[User:Godfrey|Godfrey]], [[User:Kix|Kix]], [[User:Rara|Rara]] and [[User:Vaiva|Vaiva]]. Also [[User:Regic|Regic]], [[User:Aven|Aven]], [[User:Loucash|Loucash]], [[User:Nieznajomy|Nieznajomy]] and others were members of Stingard community or had episodes with it and are worth mentioning here.