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Basic Knowledge

102 bytes added, 11:00, 17 January 2013
=== How do I make money?===
Unlike other games you may have played, [[Bank of Wurm|money]] is not gained from killing monsters, but rather from . Instead the sale of items you players have crafted to other players and [[traders]]. You could also convert real-life <strong>&euro;</strong>'s<sup><small>(Euros)</small></sup> into Silver<sup><small>(Wurm currency)</small></sup> using exchange euros in the [ Wurm store].But you do not need to exchange it yourself, you can trade it with other Players against items and service. The [[trader]]s do not create or destroy money either, they only use the money that already present in the Game.They can be a source of money, but often enough they are broke as well.
=== How do I use a large anvil?===


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