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Chat commands

106 bytes added, 08:17, 8 December 2008
no edit summary
; /? : Same as /help
; /attackers : Shows who you have been fighting the last five minutes.
; /changeemail <newemail> <password> : Changes your email.
; /converts : Shows how many times you can change kingdom.
; /dev <message> : Broadcasts the message to logged-in developers, game masters, and chat moderators.
; /lotime : Shows how long until you leave game if you lose link. This includes logging out.
; /me <text> : Chat message without <> around your nick. Only works in the local chat, and any private messages. (Example: '/me dances' produces 'Bob dances' when Bob types it.)
; /news mission : Shows latest game news.The last instruction recieved
; /password <oldpassword> <newpassword> : Changes your password.
; /rank : Shows your current battle rank.
; /village <message> : Sends message to village chat.
; /vote <citizen> : Vote for citizen as village mayor.
; /weather : Wind direction and speed
; /who : Shows the amount of players currently logged in.


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