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Guides:Abronsius Starter Guide for Confused New Players

2,096 bytes added, 13:40, 4 July 2017
''Work in progress''{{guide}}
 ==Welcome and Congratulations!==
Since you are reading this you have just set the third most important step that every new player in the world of Wurm has to make: You found the Wiki. Probably someone told you to come here in the chat when you asked confused question number 28: "What do I do with a [[Cochineal]]?"
Now, you are in a new, confusing, complex world that very much wants to kill you. And I will try to show you how to avoid that - for a while at least.
For this Starter Guide I assume that you have already passed through the ingame-tutorial.
'''So what to do first?'''===Preparations===
When you come to Wurm you start out with nothing. Well, almost nothing. The game grants you a set of basic equipment, a few tools and weapons that will help you get started.
To see your inventory press F3 or click on the correspondenting button. You will see two main categories: Body and Inventory.
'''- Open the 'body'-tree.'''
You can see that for every part of your body there is a little sub-tree. You will click-and-drag items here to equipt them
(until the Summer update 2013 that is, when a paperdoll inventory option will become available).
- Click-and-drag the following items:
The [[Backpack]] on the torso (this enables you to carry more items at a time)
The [[Toolbelt]] on the legs (this gives you two quick-slots for tools you use regulary)
The [[Small wooden shield]] on the left arm
The [[Short Sword]] on the right hand
You might want to choose your quickslots right now (I would recommend putting the shovel and the hatchet there but that is up to you) or not.
Also you will notice that you own a [[compass]]. Keep an eye on it when you travel. There are no ingame-maps so the only way of finding your way is using landmarks (mountains, settlements, etc), the [[maps]] on the wiki and your compass.
Now, notice the green and blue bars in the upper left corner (if you haven't moved them).
The big green one is your [[stamina]] and [[health]] bar. It primarily displays your [[stamina]] (green). When you are attacked and your health goes down you will notice a red bar pushing in from the right. That is the damage. When reaching 100 Damage you'll die.
Your stamina is what you use for almost every action, be it running, crafting, building or fighting. Your stamina recoveres itself, but only when you rest (stand still and do nothing). Make sure to do that a lot. You don't want to be caught by a mountain troll when you gave low stamina, because when your stamina reaches 0 you will only be able to move very, and i mean VERY slowly.
Below that are a blue and a green bar. These display how thirsty / hungry you are. As your thirst increases (and the blue bar decreases) you will notice that it will take you more time to recover your stamina. This can also happen when you are very hungry. You will not die of thirst or hunger in Wurm, but when famished and parched you will probably die either from an attack that you can't run away from or from boredom because every single action will take up to 5 times longer.
So make sure that you keep those bars up. Drink whenever near water and take some water with you as soon as you can.


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