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13,035 bytes added, 05:19, 17 August 2010
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== Tricks ==
* If you have time to dig a tunnel during a battle a sneaky thing to do is to make two entrances to a tunnel, one without a door and one with a rock door. Mine the one without a door up and mine the one with the door down, then after you've done this for at least 4 tiles each connect them to make a drop shaft. Lure the enemy into the cave and down the drop shaft. Then exit through the door you made, leaving them stuck inside. If you made the drop shaft steep enough they shouldn't be able to climb out.
== Raid guide by Friend ==
I wrote a raiding article a while back because the one on the wiki was so much outdated. Its been sitting on my pc for a while now while it was slowely becoming outdated so i wanted to make it more public. I posted it on JK forums back in the day and on BL forums. Maybe someone can update the wiki with this article because the wiki raiding article is from beta still.
Raid info
This little article describes raiding and the steps to follow. A lot of what is written in this article might seem logical but yet all the time forgotten or not properly done. I could write a whole book about raiding in detail and I have started one a while ago but it’s simply something I can’t devote my time to because it has too many factors to describe it all. So in this article it is kept to basics that still need logic thinking from yourself to go with it. This article keeps in mind the factors that play a role in winning or losing a raid. Main factor that works against you is time. You only have so long until the attacking team you brought will have to go to sleep or to work or other appointments outside of wurm. Defenders have this problem a lot less. Another factor is security, if you have too many casualties compared to the enemy, the people you brought will lose a lot of morale and begin having doubts about the raid and eventually want to leave.
So in short:
- Time
- Security
The steps you will be reading in this article describe how you will raid the most effective keeping the above two factors in mind at all times.
Steps in short:
- Step 1: planning
Plan before you raid, know everything there is to know about the town and have everything you need with you on a raid.
- Step 2: Setting up base and stopping defenders
Before you can begin with the raid you must create a safe environment for the attackers and stop defenders coming to help.
- Step 3: Destroying the town
After creating security and before actual pvping or entering the enemy town you must create a clear entrance for you and the ability to walk freely on deed wherever you want.
- Step 4: The fighting and looting
After taking away all safety from the defenders you can make your way into the town and begin killing the defenders and after that looting.
- Step 5: The Exit
This can be one of the most dangerous moments of a raid especially when things go bad, having a smart exit plan is very important. Defenders know this is your weakest moment.
After describing these steps in basic there will be some trends that might be interesting for any raider to make raiding more efficient.
To understand this book fully, it describes the following roles:
• Overall raid leader
• Wallers
• Fort builder
• Fighting leader
• Catapult leader
• Catapulters
• The overall raid leader is the one that keep an eye on everything. He barely does any work himself but appoints people as much as he can.
• The wallers are the people that wall off the enemy entrances at the start of the raid. The overall raid leader is responsible that the wallers secure all the entrances.
• The fort builder is the person in charge of setting up the attack fort. The overall raid leader is responsible for the location and a rough design if needed but the fort builder has to think for himself how its most effective.
• The catapult leader is responsible to keep the overview on which buildings are catapulted, where to shoot from and who shoots what. He will guide the catapulters to do their task
• The catapulters are responsible for taking down the walls and have to find someone to bring them a constant flow of ammunition. At times one catapulter might have to operate 3 catapults at the same time and ask someone to help load and winch them
• The fighting leader is responsible of holding off the enemies, taking out the guards and the defenders. But since good fighters are often also good miners, he will also be responsible of finding people to mine so there is a constant flow of ammunition. It is important that the fighting leader makes an example and has the fighters follow him into a fight but even more important is that he stays alive.
Step 1: Planning
Step 1 is all about planning, without a plan you should not go on a raid. The idea behind planning is to make sure everyone knows what to do and with this save you a lot of time.
Pre-set goals
Before a raid you need to know what exactly the purpose is of going to the enemy town. It can range from trying to steal an item or plundering the entire town or just some pvp. At any rate, it is very important to know what your mission and any submissions are, so you can determine when it is time to leave incase none of the missions are achievable.
Escape route
Before you plan a raid further, you must determine how you will travel to the raid and more importantly how you will leave safely in case things go bad. This is the most important part of raiding, knowing how to leave.
Town layout
You will need a layout of the town. A tilemap is the best option but not always possible. The least you need is enough info to know from which side it is most effective to attack.
Items needed
Prepare a list of items you will need, items such as woa pickaxes, shovels, carving knifes, spare cotton, barrels, nails, locks, ores for catapulting, ropes etc., etc. Anything you could need you have to bring. It is very difficult to get items during the raid and may cause big delays.
Preparing the teams
Before a raid, people need to know their roles. Most important are designated catapulters and miners, if you don’t have this covered before a raid, you will not succeed. But along with preparing the teams, you also need to divide the initial tasks such as building the fort, making catapults, locking the town. Set people responsible for parts of the raid. One person in charge of all the catapulting and one person in charge of holding off the defenders when needed.
Step 2: Setting up base and stopping defenders
Step 2 is ironically all about keeping the defenders away from you and create a situation where you can catapult the enemies with as little as possible pvp.
Building the fort
At all raids you need a fall-out base, a place where you can store items, safely mine, and even go afk in for a short while. At a raid you need to turn the tides in your favor as much as possible. If you give yourself a gatehop while taking away that from the enemy, that is a big advantage. Set one person responsible for building the fort and let him find people on site to help build it. The fort is best to be of good size. At least a 5x5 area with one or two mine doors is recommended.
Locking up the town
The biggest reason a raid fails is if there are people defending it. This is logic thinking. This makes locking up the town very important. You need to lock up all entrances except the one you are creating for yourself. Set up small teams for this to lock the town up fast and put one person responsible per team.
Step 3: Destroying the town
Step 3 is destroying the town. To do this fast you will have to fully concentrate on opening all the buildings and avoid pvp and gatehopping as much as possible. After the enemy has no places to run anymore for safety, it’s the moment you begin the fighting.
Systematically catapulting
After you have set up a base you should be ready to focus completely on catapulting. The person responsible for the destruction of the town will have to keep overview of what buildings are opened and what the damage is while the catapulters are responsible to get themselves ammunition. Everyone who isn’t mining, catapulting or filling another important job should be hauling the ammunition around. This phase can cause much frustration if people begin slacking so it is important everyone works hard here.
A proper entrance/exit
This is the first thing you create with catapulting. You destroy an entire longhouse to create a clear entrance on the deed. You can’t have a half done job here. There needs to be an easy way in and out of the enemy town. It is recommended you lock this up again though while you catapult the buildings inside.
Step 4: The fighting and looting
Step 4 is where the fun begins. Finally there is a payoff for all the work you have put in destroying the town. The fighter team should be ready to kill the guards and then rush in the town after the catapulting of all buildings is finished.
Entering the deed
A very important note here is to not fall into enemy traps, keep close eye on unfinished stone walls or fences that the enemy can finish after you pass them. Have the catapulters standing by to open up any obstructions that are found while entering the town.
Looting and storage
Looting can bring out the worse in people. A raid should not be for the loot in the first place, but for the fun of beating an enemy town. There are people who will go through the houses and handpick the best they can find because ‘they deserve it’. Well guess what... so do the other 30 people that joined the raid. When looting, you have to fill up a cart, haul it back to the safety of the attack fort and ditch it there while you fill up a new cart. Take every item you can grab and don’t keep stuff for yourself. Items such as drake and scale will go to the kingdom as a whole. The rest I have found to be most ‘fairly’ looted by all plundering it inside the fort or after having left the raid with equal chances, not while people are taking the items from the town.
Step 5: The exit
Step 5 describes how and when to exit from a raid. It is important to have the exit planned ahead and is also described in the planning step. You will either leave with your mission completed or without completing it.
Know when to leave
It does not take much common sense to know when you cannot complete your mission. At this stage the situation usually only becomes worse for you. It is better to leave at this stage than staying around till the point where you can’t leave anymore.
Another reason to leave is of course after completing your mission. If there is nothing more for you to gain at the enemy deed it is time to leave with the victory in your pocket.
How to leave
When you are leaving it is important to leave as one group. Try to have horses ready to leave with as well to give you a movement bonus. The order in which you leave is that the weaker people will leave first with the stronger fighters covering them from behind. Anyone that is way ahead of the group needs to shoot the enemies in case they are following. The weaker people have to keep moving. No need to look back other than blocking arrows. The stronger fighters adapt to the speed of the weaker people.
Quick ambush
While the enemy knows that when you retreat, you are at your most vulnerable, they are putting themselves at a big risk as well. Keep your eye open for opportunities to ambush the enemy. In case you are leaving because you can’t complete the mission but still have a good force, you can use this moment to ambush the enemies that chase you for a while.
Trends / Tactics in raiding
While this entire article describes raiding there are some tactics you can use with this concept.
Small to big group
In a usual raid situation, you agree a location where you meet up with 20-30 people and you march to the enemy town. The beginning of raids can be very messy because there are too many people, and not enough things they can do easily. While during the course of the raid, the enemy will grow in numbers while you will have less people because they have to leave or die. Right as you will need the full force to enter the enemy deed you don’t have it anymore.
The tactic that is used to counter this is setting up a team which consists of the wallers, fort builders, catapult leaders and their catapult teams to go ahead of the raid and begin their tasks. Since there aren’t many enemies to worry about at the start of the raid you won’t need the fighters yet. Ofcourse if they are online they can come with you but because of this you can start raids earlier by going with the team to perform the pre-raid phase instead of waiting for the rest of the raiders to wake up or log in.
Gatehop disabling
The power that defenders have is gatehopping and repairing. While its hard to take away repairing from the defenders, it is possible to take away the ability to gatehop by walling them off. But an even more successful tactic is to use their gatehop against them.
A raid can last easily up to 10 hours. But in a lot less time you can do the following: You go with a small team to the enemy town while no one is online to spot you and you catapult the gatehouse nearest to the side you attack from and replace it with one of your own. While you have this gatehouse set to stay unlocked you can lock it at the moment most of the defenders are lured outside. This can create for a beautiful gank, taking out most of the defenders in one sweep.
== Credits ==


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