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Lore:The Knights of Seris

3,751 bytes added, 18:10, 2 November 2017
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Weary and hungry, the group of survivors arrived at Brenth and they were granted an audience with the King of Brenth to provide details about the fall of their kingdoms to the [[Ageless]]. Finally, they presented the King with the armor and told him and his court everything they knew about it. The survivors were welcomed as refugees into the kingdom and the King ordered his court’s priest to oversee the construction of a chamber in the treasure room that could ward against any strange effects the Shadow Wraith set might still possess.
'''Chapter 4: March of Time'''
In 168 NT the [[backstory | Great Uprising]] had finally come to an end when Wilem Benth killed the last [[Ageless]]. This would not be the end of the struggles facing everyone, and when the [[backstory | Pale Death]] descended on the lands many believed the end time had come. Some obviously survived the plague, but the world was different after that point.
More than eight centuries would pass until the Shadow Wraith armor would see the light of day again, as no one dared to actually wear it again. During this time the armor would not simply sit silent as it was quietly studied by different scholars, priests, and master artisans in the hopes of unlocking its secrets.
The Shadow Wraith armor and it’s companion pieces were often regarded as a dark treasure, both extremely valuable, and yet too dangerous, or too bloodthirsty to be wielded. There were of course exceptions where over time a few people believed themselves to be great warriors with the god given blessing to wield the Shadow Wraith set, but in actuality were just fools who thought themselves better than their subjects.
It is uncertain how much truth lies in most of the stories, but it is recorded that the first person since Prince Lehimn to adorn the armor died immediately after putting the armor on, as a nest of poisonous moss spiders had taken up residence in one of the boots. This may have reinforced the legend surrounding the Shadow Wraith armor, but the legend still claims that all who tried to wear it died from unusually foolish circumstances.
Early on some religious scholars held a belief that the Shadow Wraith set might actually be infused with the soul of Prince Lehimn and sought to have it closely monitored and exorcised.
Their early efforts to tame the deadly legacy of the set required months of preparation for each piece to be individually exorcised. When they had completed their attempts at exorcism, the priests and other followers attending the ceremonies found the whole ordeal very anticlimactic as no odd events occurred while they continued to bless and draw out any unwanted possessive spirits. They even went so far as to state unequivocally that they never detected any form of soul or presence residing within the Shadow Wraith set, yet deemed their efforts successful.
Over time some people noted that the helmet of the armor would slowly turn and face what they assumed for a long time was the last battlefield where Prince Lehimn was killed. This led to the belief that the Shadow Wraith set might somehow be attempting to raise the dead prince as an undead lich. This peculiar theory led to the Church of [[Fo]] to request that the Shadow Wraith set be kept away from the old battlefield forever and even be relocated from the vaults of the kingdom of Brenth to someplace further away out of concern that some less than noble people could attempt to raise Prince Lehimn from the dead.
The Shadow Wraith set would be relocated quietly in the course of mutual kingdom negotiations, but mainly for the wealthy to display rather than concern for any intentions that the set may have. One contingent of any sale or transfer of the set was that a letter of intent would be sent to the representatives of the three main active religious orders of the lands and during transport at least one priest from each order should be present.
Much later, after several secret relocations, one priest noted that the helmet was indeed turning by its own will, but not toward the ancient battlefield where Prince Lehimn met his end. According to him, the helmet seemed to be looking towards the the [[Golden Valley]] region in the lands of [[Lómaner]] but at the time could not speculate as to why.
''To Be Continued...''
UserManager, editor


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