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54 bytes added, 16:12, 8 October 2015
→‎Animals: Reworded renaming
* Branded animals can have their equipment managed by anyone with '''Manage Equipment''' enabled as if they had tamed it.
* If the player branding the animal is not also the mayor of the deed, they will not be able to manage that animal, lead it, or ride it.
* Once managed, you Branded animals may give an animal be given a nickname through by the mayor of the animal management windowdeed that branded them. This name ::Example, if Runheart is retained even if given the brand is removednickname of 'Spot': {{event|inline|A aged fat runheart 'Spot' grazes.}}
* Branded animals may be remote managed, even when off deed.
* Revoking permissions from someone riding the animal will not remove them, but it will prevent them from riding the animal again once they disembark.
UserManager, editor


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