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89 bytes added, 09:15, 24 November 2017
The maximum number of Templars you can have is 1 per 49 tiles. Example: Number of Templars in a 31x31 deed is 19. On the Epic servers, the maximum number is limited to 20.
Spirit Templars demand payment. Hiring each new Templar will cost 2 silver summoning cost, or 3 silver if the settlement is on an Epic server. This is deducted immediately from the settlement upkeep, before they spawn. Each Templar also adds 1 silver to the monthly settlement upkeep. On epic, or 3 silver if the settlement is on an Epic servercost of templars will increase by .5s by each guard hired (I.E 1s for the first guard, 1.5s for the second, 2s for the third).
Templars can be managed at the token under Settlement > Manage guards, or from the Settlement deed paper under Village > Manage guards.
editor, nuke


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