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16 bytes added, 04:11, 3 August 2007
== Merchants ==
Aegis currently has 5 personal merchants within the village and plans on having more in the future. Each merchant sells different items.<br><br>
Merchant Honey which is located in the 'Aegis Cafe' stocks 40+ql meals for 4 copper coins each.<br><br>
Merchant Charity is located in the south east corner of the 'Aegis Merchant and Trade Center'. This merchant currently stocks high quality lumps that can only be mined on the wild server. Also 60+ql whetstones are sold on this merchant.<br><br>
Merchant Sarah, located in the trade center stocks various items ranging from pelts to quivers to a bag of keeping. this merchant stocks a lot of useful items for all different types of players, whether they are smiths, hunters or someone that is in need of a certain tool.<br><br>
Merchant Wally also in the trade center stocks various items but mainly armor. Currently 30ql chain armor sets are being sold as well as large, medium and small iron shields. Some of these items will have enchants such as [[circle of cunning|circle of cunning]] or [[aura of shared pain|aura of shared pain]].<br><br>
Merchant Gandalf's Enchants stocks various items that have been enchanted. Items such as swords, pickaxes, sickles, spindles and axes can be found and they have relative enchants on them. So a pickaxe will have either [[circle of cunning|circle of cunning]] or [[wind of ages|wind of ages]] cast on them, or both. A sword will have either [[circle of cunning|circle of cunning]] or [[flaming aura|flaming aura]] cast on it, or both.<br>
== Website ==


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