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Settlement:Bay Hill Estates

867 bytes removed, 09:25, 12 October 2010
:Single-lane ramp up the mountain to the peak:Docking area for ships:Development of [[Copper Cliffs]] at mountain's peak:Guard towers at the four corners of the mountain's peak:Planting steppe on mountainside ===Completed flat===:Flat-raising of deed on hillside:Completed twoTwo-lane highway from the water at the bay to the deed:Completed a tower for safety near the bay:Another tower Guard towers along the highway:New single-lane ramp up the mountain to the peak:Completed guard tower at the base of the ramp for worker visitor safety:New docking area Cave canal for shipseasy passage from [[Samling]] to IHSH and [[Oreo]] regions
==Local Mapping==
==Exports and Productivity==
*Contact Ddddestroyer in-game or on the forums for flowers or sproutsBlacksmithing products up to 75ql, individually or in bulk.*Contact Maluraq specializing in-game or on the forums for teraforming or digging projectslamps
*Cotton products such as sheets, sails and even cloth armour on request
*Contact Rhuland for enchanting of tools, armour, etc. with CoC, WoA and AoSP enchants below 50ql
*Moderate quality weapons and tools
==Village Members==
*[[Player:Maluraq|Maluraq]] Teraforming guru and benevolent dictator
*[[Player:Ddddestroyer|Ddddestroyer]] Herbalist
*[[Player:Antongorodetsky|Antongorodetsky]] Smithy
If you are a crafter or worker interested in joining a peaceful village, please message Maluraq on the forums or in-game.
There is no forced labour or required hours, it is simply required that you try to get along with your fellow villagers.
I feel its appropriate to explain why certain players are listed as enemies so that allies and others can make decisions
about agreeing with us or not.
*[[Player:Julepalme|Julepalme]] and [[Player:Spiritusante|Spiritusante]] for harvesting my crops and being jerks about it when asked (logs available).
*[[Player:Deruu|Deruu]], [[Player:Fmrunga|Fmrunga]], [[Player:Psychedemic|Psychedemic]] because Julepalme said to add them as well in kchat.
*[[Player:Beanbag|Beanbag]] for racism in kchat
*[[Player:Stika|Stika]] Alliance KoS
All enemies listed here are presently on KoS. Consider this a free warning.


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