Settlement:Bay Hill Estates

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Freedom settlement

This is a settlement on the Freedom Isles.

Bay Hill Estates
Peace and Serenity with a view

Size 16x25 Village



Village Description

A plateau rising out of the hillside west of Darkenstone along the highway from it to Insanity. We have a beautiful view of the lakes in the middle of the map, and the various mountains of Freedom. Please feel free to check in on our Merchant for any supplies you need in your travels, or just stop in at our public fountain and mailbox and enjoy the view.

Originally a solo effort by Maluraq, since finishing the basic teraforming of the deed and creating the highway up from the bay, new members were invited to join and work independently on their skills or whims while helping wherever possible with the needs of the deed.


Single-lane ramp up the mountain to the peak
Docking area for ships
Development of Copper Cliffs at mountain's peak
Guard towers at the four corners of the mountain's peak
Planting steppe on mountainside


Flat-raising of deed on hillside
Two-lane highway from the water at the bay to the deed
Guard towers along highway for visitor safety
Cave canal for easy passage from Samling to IHSH and Oreo regions

Local Mapping

Some local mapping of the roads and deed location, please ignore grass/water, they're not accurate.


The View


Exports and Productivity

  • Blacksmithing products up to 75ql, specializing in lamps
  • Cotton products such as sheets, sails and even cloth armour on request

Village Members


  • Maluraq Teraforming guru and benevolent dictator


If you are a crafter or worker interested in joining a peaceful village, please message Maluraq on the forums or in-game. There is no forced labour or required hours, it is simply required that you try to get along with your fellow villagers.