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898 bytes added, 13:09, 14 July 2009
no edit summary
Wynnger, our village center, is to the southwest of Darkenstone, nestled deep in the woods next to Mount Darkenstone. More private and rarely gotten to by accident or mistake, Wynnger is our living and working quarters. It is a place of peace and tranquility where we can create our wares to be sold at the port without worrying about others "borrowing" anything we may have left out for a bit. Our village center is built around a large square where villagers gather to work, chat, and otherwise enjoy the mountain and sea air. A mailbox and altars to Fo, Vy, and Mag complete this tranquil setting.
Independent homesteads dot our peninsula, as well as some compounds on the Wynnger deed. Each of these homesteads are owned, operated, and cared for by one of our villagers (usually held by an alt so that the main can stay in village chat).
===Village Buildings===
At Darkestone Port, we have a Port Authority building with trader that is open only to our villagers for the moment, though we foresee opening it to the public soon. In addition, there are multiple market stalls for merchants selling everything from sails to spindles. To make moving items across the canal easier, there are two storage buildings at the north end of the canal kept full of carts and rafts. In addition, the southern end of the canal is on Darkenstone's deed, so those who need to park their boats for a bit can do so without having to worry about thieves. We expect to have a craft house open to the public soon.
At Wynnger, our town center comes complete with smithy, apothecary, clinic, bakery, inn, tailor shop, and carpenter shop. In addition, there are numerous storage buildings throughout the area for our farms, carts, or whatever else might need a home for a short time. Villagers have their own compounds scattered all over the hill from Darkenstone Port to the mountain itself.
===Founders of Darkenstone===
*[[Player:Batolemaeus|Batolemaeus]] '''[Trollslayer]'''
*[[Player:Gaffeek|Gaffeek]] '''[CarpenterCarpenterx2] [Fine Carpenter] [Digger] [Mason] [Handywoman] [Shipbuilder]'''
*[[Player:Aureate|Aureate]]''' [Carpenter] [Excavator] [Mason] [Handyman]'''
*[[Player:PanChavkill|PanChavkill]]*[[Player:Indigon|Indigon]]*[[Player:Jamesmax|Jamesmax]]''' [Carpenter] [Excavator] [Digger] [Mason] [Trollslayer] [Handyman] [Lumberjack] [Miner]'''*[[Player:Jinxi|Jinxi]]*[[Player:Kibbool|Kibbool]]*[[Player:Masamune|Masamune]]
*[[Player:JamesmaxWhurley|JamesmaxWhurley]]''' [Carpenter] [Excavator] [Digger] [Mason] [Trollslayer] [Handyman] [Lumberjack] [Miner]'''*[[Player:Chavkill|Chavkill]] 
Our village is capped at 20 people to make sure that there is room enough for everyone within our Area of Control without encroaching too heavily on one another. At this time, we have reached our cap and are not accepting applications for inclusion in our village. Please see the recruiting thread on the forums for other options, or visit the Wiki page of any of our allies.''


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