Settlement talk:Minges Tirith

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Revision as of 02:54, 20 March 2011 by TrulliLulli (talk | contribs)
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Aeries created this page for me (gmantwelve) to edit to my will. You have no right to claim ownership or any form of authority here, more or less lie about how your members act amongst other Wurm players. You should consider yourself lucky I let you edit the page to keep it up-to-date. Slandering in my name, over-exaggerating the truth and lying does not make you look smart. (I refer to your junk about me being exiled and the infomation about me. I was never exiled and it's a little hard to exile someone who left on their own grounds)

Yes, I did lie about never being part of your abomination but I have decided to deal with it and move on. Your personal need for self satisfaction persues you to pester me. Since you cannot do it ingame, you resort to the wiki. A mistake you will one day realise.

Gman you aren't even a member of Minges Tirith. You are a criminal and you were exiled. You also forget that the wiki is for information that can be edited by anyone.

You of all people should know your people steal from everyone they can find. Misleading infomation is against the rules, especially if it is deliberate. You also should know that you cannot exile someone who is already gone. It's like eating chicken and watermelon when it's already eaten or punching a pole that has already been punched. Not possible! I am also not a criminal because criminals steal things, kill people, kite monsters and various other practical problems. Using big words that are too good for your insignificant mind is not a criminal offense. If you have made it a rule "Thou shalt not make thee look smart." then you're a sad, strange little man.

lmao First of all, no we don't rob everything infact I've made sure they don't steal Second of all we argued with you in our irc and then you got butthurt and wanted to leave, your chicken and watermelon comment has no point, Third of all, you stole 2 carts. The last bit: Get over yourself. and oh yeah don't forget you aren't a member of any facepunch settlement nevermind minges tirith.