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41 bytes added, 15:25, 7 March 2014
Another "invasion" started in Chaos so i returned. Chaos was changed, the kingdoms were removed and instead the new alliance system was introduced. The old Jenn Kellon made their own alliance and so did Mol Rehan. We joined up with Milp on his deed, New Prypjat as he expanded it giving us a lot of space. Not many people joined, but it wasn't bad. While it lasted we went on frequent trips to abandoned deeds in search of loot and waged our own private war against Tyre, bashing some of their off deed houses and catapulting at the Crossroads until they put a deed over it. Eventually just like before, they stopped playing and so i was there alone. Elwood offered me a place on his deed on Exodus and so off i went to join him at New Amsterdam. I made my house there and didn't do much other than hunt, i invited 2 of my real life friends to Wurm, but they didn't stay for long. One day, Elwood decided to go to his old deed Ultimarus, on the north coast of independence. I went along with it and lived there for sometime. He made me elder in the village, and we cleaned up the old houses. He offered me a place in Mol Rehan since he was an elder and arranged it for me. I accepted it and so i set out to the Mol Rehan capital leaving the Jenn-Kellon alliance. I was there for two days, when i had to leave due to some people not trusting me and wanting to kill me. They apologised and told me i should leave. I went back to Ultimarus but elwood wasn't there and later said he will quit wurm, so i left to make my own deed on Celebration. Grouping up with Delex, Hashmere, Robertayo and Vaunstrungel, i founded my deed on an island at the Southwest corner of the serverand called it: Westbrook. We built it up in about a month and a half but i had other plans in mind. I decided to sell the deed for 20s and from that money try my luck on making one on ChaosWild.


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