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Urman is a Independence citizen in the Freedom Isles. He is armed with a longsword and large wooden shield, both which are aged but have been repeatedly repaired. He wears a silver arm-ring on his right arm, which shows the runes for Fo and Strength. He currently wears Swordsman title.

If you talk to him, he will tell you that he belongs to the village of Haitabu-Hedeby, on the outer sea. That's on the east-northeast side of the island, very close to Mist and Silent Hill. He ranges from there to Unmapped Lake and the northeast islands as time permits, with rare trips to other parts of the island.

Urman has a broad range of skills. He'll admit that he made most of his money in the boatbuilding boom and still sells rope and rigs to help new boatbuilders along. He might be interested in selling other goods for reasonable prices; and he'll hire unskilled laborers as he can.