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Helpful player

This is a helpful Mol-Rehan player on the Golden Valley server. While in-game try to message this person if you need help. The command for this is /tell <playername>

Golden Valley Chat Moderator

Lives at Island of the Winds at the center of Glitterlake on Golden Valley next to the Mol-Rehan start town, Glitterdale..

Responsible for keeping PA Chat and Mol-Rehan Kingdom chat clean and waving the mute-hammer at various spammers when online.

Currently Experimenting with: Meditating (Path of knowledge) - Zephyr the Observer

Major Goals Achieved

  • Colossus of Zephyr
  • Union Canal - A Major Underground Canal which leads from Glitterlake to Coastline
  • Island of the winds - A small man-made island at the center of Glitterlake where Zephyr currently resides