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The "how do I build a house?" guide.

5,073 bytes added, 03:36, 21 August 2005
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This is usually the first question new players come to ask on the Jenn Kellon kingdom chat.
And the answer is, its quite easy - if you have the resources, this guide will provide ALL
the information needed to construct a house so how to get those resources will be provided
here too.

The Guide:

Well first of all you need a place to build your house, the ground need to be flat if you
wish to build a house on it so firstly "activate" your shovel by double clicking on it and
right click on the ground, select flatten and you will do just that.

Now that you have your flat ground you will need a mallet or hammer to plan your house, to
create a mallet you need to get some lumber, this is easy - activate your axe and go to the
nearest tree. It's a good idea to right click the tree and "examine" it before you decide
to chop it down, only very old trees will provide a good amount of lumber. When you have found
a tree that you are happy with simply right click it while your axe is activated and choose
"cut down". You will need to do this multiple times before the tree is felled. Once it does
fall you will see a felled tree on the ground (or just a log if the weight of the tree was
below or exactly 25kg). Next you will need to cut up your felled tree in smaller pieces and
thus create logs, right click on the felled tree while you have your axe activated and select
"chop up", now pick up the log and we will go on to planking.

Planking is just as simple as any other action in wurm, which is lucky since you will need
alot of planks to build your house, 20 for every wall actually. To make planks you activate
your saw (starting to see the logic yet?) and right click on your log, choose "create" and then "weapons" and "plank" in the submenu of create (plank being in the submenu of weapons). This is where you WILL start going wrong, planks can be failed and when you do you will only produce wood scraps, be patient with this because it will happen alot - it's completely normal. Repeat the
log cutting and plankmaking to create the amount of planks you need for the amount of walls you have.

Next up is iron, this is the hardest part. To find iron activate your pickaxe, rigth click on a tile that says "rock" and choose "prospect" from the "mining" submenmu, finding iron is very difficult and you may have to search through hundreds of rock tiles before you manage to find an iron mine - its basicly complete luck. Well, well, when you have found your precious iron mine its time to start mining it to get to the ore, the "mine" options is also found in the "mining" submenu. Each mining action will deliver 20kg ore. Now you want to get to the iron inside the rock of these ores so you will have to smelt them, you do this by getting yourself another of those fancy logs and with your axe "create" a kindling from it, once you have this little nifty piece of wood you select your steel and flint, right click on the kindling and create a campfire with it (its under the container submenu). Now that you have your campfire its time to get smelting! Rightclick on your campfire and "open" it, drag the ore from your inventory to the campfires inventory. Next theres waiting - lots of it. I suggest you mine more ore while you do this but of course if you want to idle you can do that too. Right click on the ore and examine it to check how hot it is, once it reaches "glowing hot" you are very close to get your iron lump. When the ore has smelted it is replaced by a 1kg iron lump in the campfire, you will need atleast 2kg for the next step.

The iron anvil is a crucial tool in wurm and this is what you will create now, get your 2 lumps from the campfire, (they have to be glowing hot for this to work) and activate one of them, rightclick on the other and choose combine. Now activate mallet you made earlier and right click on the 2kg lump, again choose create and pick iron anvil. If you are extremly lucky you will pull this off at the first try, if you dont put your iron scraps in the fire and let them smelt again so they can become lumps once more (this take a shitload of time though so rather mine you some more ore and smelt it up). Repeat till you have your anvil.

Nails! This is what you need to keep your house together, large iron nails. Pick up a lump of atleast 0.3kg and activate it, right click on your anvil and create, tools, large iron nails. When you succeed with this you will get a handful of large iron nails, you'll need one of these handfuls per wall of your house.

Finally we can start to actually build the house. activate your mallet and make sure you have atleast one handfull of large nails and a plank in your inventory, right click on a side of your house and select build, pick door, wall or window after your choice (remember that you need a door to be able to enter the house though) repeat this on all the walls. next you will have to pick up
more planks and continue to build, 19 more times on every wall to be exact since they all need 20 planks total.

When this is done so is your house, w00t!

// FroboZ


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