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641 bytes added, 22:35, 10 October 2008
final tree article revamp
Lumber trees give large amounts of [[wood]] when chopped at an old age. Most types of wood also have special properties.
* [[Birch]] - Birchwood burns better than other woodBirches are relatively common and grow quite fast. Often used as an alternative to pine.
* [[Cedar]] - Items made of cedarwood decay slower than other items; also good for arrows.
* [[Pine]] - Pinewood has no special properties, but pines are abundant and grow fast.
* [[Oak]] - Items made of oakwood take less damageOakenwood items yield no inherent bonuses, but oaks are rareoften a signet of wealth due to their rarity. An oak will kill other trees within 1 tile.* [[Willow]] - Willowwood Willow wood is good for [[bow]]s and [[fishing rod]]s. Items made from willow wood are suspected to damage faster. A willow will kill other trees within 2 tiles.
=== Fruit Trees ===
[[Fruit]] trees have fruits which can be [[harvest]]ed during harvest season, but they give very little wood. They are also notorious (with the exception of [[Olive tree]]s for spreading incredibly fast and removing potential growth locations for other trees with more utility.
* [[Apple]] - apples
== Notes ==
* Trees generally take several weeks to grow to "old" or "very old", which are the prime types for cutting. Oak is known to take several months - in some cases, years to reach old age.
* Trees infected by [[mycelium]] do not produce fruit.
* Old and very old trees give a felled tree when chopped down. Other age groups give a log.
* If a tree is left long enough with enough of the same tree in the immediate area, it can wither from very old to the 'old and shriveled' status. Shriveled trees yield no fruit and shriveled lumber trees yield wood similar to that of a fruit tree.
[[category:trees| ]]


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