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All about Mining

Mining is the core of all Wurm activities.

To find a certain metal:

1) Activate your pickaxe

2) Right-click on a tile of rock and select Mining/Prospect

3) The event log will identify what metal if any is nearby.

4) If you find what your looking for, continue.

5) If not move on and check around 8 tiles further out.

To start a mine tunnel:

1) Activate your pickaxe

2) Right-click on a tile of rock and select Mining/Mine

3) The event log will notify you when the operation has been completed.

4) Continue for around 60 times.

To continue a mine tunnel:

1) Activate your pickaxe

2) Right-click on a tile of rock and select Mining/Mine

3) The event log will notify you when the operation has been completed.

4) Continue for around 50 times.

5) Every mine will pump out 20kg of either rock shards, or the type of metal is in that rock.

You will know when a rock has an ore in it - first the texture will be different - normal rock with funny shapes in it. Also the description will be "*Metal* Vein".