The failure or This is the by-product from creating [[plank]]s, [[shaft]]s and other similar basic [[wood]]en items. Failures to create said items will result in wood scrap too. Wood scrap [[quality]] is 10% of making a wooden the quality of the original item.
Can be made into a [[Kindling]] if you use an axe, saw or carving knife on it.==Notes==
Has 10% of the quality of the original item*With an [[axe]], [[saw]] or [[carving knife]], [[kindling]]s can be created from it.*Wood scrap is commonly used to [[fuel]] fires, as it is often in abundance.*Decays quickly, so is preferably stored in [[bulk storage bin]]s.*Wood scrap can also be used to wrap [[gift]]s.
Wood scrap ==Tips==For convenience it is commonly used recommended to [[fuelcombine]] fires, up to 20 kg wood scraps before using them as it is in abundancefuel. Wood scrap can also be used to wrap playerThis saves several ''right-click-made [[gift]]s>"burn"'' actions. Decays Quickly