Talk:Path of Insanity

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Revision as of 12:45, 22 September 2011 by Camtire (talk | contribs) (Explaining the lengthy addition to the Path of Insanity page.)
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I am not entirely sure what determines the nutrition after a 'fill'... but there are times where I have seen my nutrition raise after a fill. (on the figs toon... level 7 insanity) - Battlepants

I heard a rumor it sets your nutrition to 99 minus your nutrition. -thorgot 18:25, 26 February 2010 (UTC)

Just did a fill, went from 57 nutrition to 73. Forgot to note food bar... could be something to that. - Battlepants

Considering the path is insanity, Ive assumed the nutrition was randomized more or less. --Klaa 23:51, 27 February 2010 (UTC)

Shield of the Gone

Permanent you say? Interesting. Wonder what the other paths get. --Klaa 16:50, 2 February 2011 (UTC)

I'll get the log of Wurzels chat with Rolf today or the next days. But I was told he kept most of the details secret as always. --Ago 19:14, 2 February 2011 (UTC)

<Wurzel> i did think the damage i was taking from falling and drowning seemed less than before but it is hard to tell
<Rof> alright well it should be by half in most cases already
<Rof> made some small changes that affected healing though
<Rof> that made it heal half as fast as well
<Rof> in some cases

The important part of the chat --Ago 19:09, 31 March 2011 (UTC)

You feel strange and out of time

So noone knows what this is? I just recieved this message and I'm at 20.02 skill in medetation and am not even an initiate yet. --Echo Le'owl Telm 01:13, 11 June 2011 (UTC)

"The message you can get as soon as you accept the path of insanity, no matter how far along you are in it. I have recently noticed that while you get the message, 'You feel strange and out of time.', everybody else sees your character do fun things such as staring at their hand or foaming at the mouth. Going down the path of insanity does indeed make your character act insane too, along with hallucinations. I am actually starting a list of the insanity auto-emotes to add to the wiki." * Camtire 00:09, 21 August 2011 (UTC)

"Due to recent changes, I'm not entirely sure I'm going to continue playing. So today I put up all the research I did on path of insanity quirks. Hallucinations are few and far between, so this research was done in numerous forum posts, player reports, and pictures. The emotes however were all confirmed by me by observing my alt Kaia. I am willing to post chat logs of Kaia's emotes if requested for evidence." * Camtire 19:45, 22 September 2011 (UTC)