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2,270 bytes added, 07:20, 29 September 2006
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[[Image:WurmPanorama.jpg|right|thumb|640px|Welcome to the [[Geographic Research 2|World of the Wurm]].]]
== Creating an Account ==
The first thing you want to do is to create a valid account. To do this, go to the [ Wurmonline webpage] and click Register. You will be asked for a Player name and an email adress. Please note that the playername can only contain Alphabetic characters and no spaces. All letters in the name but the first one will be in lowercase.
=== Chatbox and Eventlog ===
[[Image:Tutorial Chatboxes.jpg|800px]]<br>
In the lower right left is the chatbox, here you can communicate with other players and send special slash-commands (/help) to the eventlog. By clicking on the 'Jenn-Kellon' Kingdom tab, you can talk globally to all players on the same server. If the Jenn-Kellon chat tab is not available, you can type ''/shout <message>'' in the local channel to open the J-K channel.
In the lower left right is the eventlog. All nearby and global events are listed here. There are three buttons in this window;
*'''Climbing''' allows you to climb on steep areas as long as you have enough stamina.
*'''Faithful''' controls weither or not you can go against the will of your god. (When you start, you are not aligned to any god.)
If you have acquired a compass and put it in you inventory, the compass will be visible next to your stamina bar.
== The first steps ==
I assume you must be eager to get started, so here we go.
Go towards the door of the Bistro and it will auto-open for you. Inside is an NPC (Non-Playing-Character) named ''Chef Kesselman'', interact with him by rightclicking him and click ''Ask for refreshment'' once the menu has loaded. This NPC will give you free food and water until you have played for longer than 24 real-life hours. You can check how long you have played by entering ''/time'' in the chatbox.
== Gearing up ==
Before you leave the safety of the New Town deed (all land areas owned by someone is called a deed), you should gear up.
To equip your items; Open the inventory and expand all trees, now click and drag the ''Wooden shield'' onto your ''Left arm''. Put the ''Small axe'' in your right hand, and drag the ''Backpack'' to your torso.
You are now ready to head out on your first Quest. (There are no quests in this game, you make them up yourself!)
Your first Quest is to find clay and make a Pottery bowl.
== The Quest for clay ==
Take a look at the token outside the buildings, it has a sundial and a compass.
Notice wich direction is South marked by a S and follow the road that goes to the south.
You should reach a lake down the hill, rightclick a tile that has water on it and select drink from the popup menu. Now continue along the shore. You can auto-walk by pressing '''X'''. Don't worry if you fall into the water, you know how to swim.
After having continued along the shore, you should eventually reach a small grassy cliff with some blueish, almost purple, tiles. You've found clay.
I hope you enjoyed the swim.<br>
You might have noticed some creatures ontop of the shore, it is adviced you stay away until you have some decent skills and weapons. Be extra careful around bears and rats, as the can swim.
== Your first pice of art ==
Open up your inventory again and activate the shovel by doubleclicking it. Stand on a clay tile, rightclick, and choose dig. You should now start digging clay unless the tile is too steep.<br>
Once you've finished digging, the clay should be in your inventory. Open your body tree and activate your hand the same way as you activated the shovel, then rightclick the clay and choose ''Create > Containers > Clay bowl'' The percantage to the right tells you how large the chance of success is.
You may have to repeat the create step a few time until you succeed in creating a clay bowl. You may also want to create a clay jar to store water in. Don't mind the unfinished ones yet.
== Making a fireplace ==
To make a fire, you need to find a tree. The best trees for fire is old Pine trees, as they have large amounts of wood. To see how old the tree is, rightclick the tile it's on and select ''Examine''.


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