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New tutorial in progress..

Just leave it alone. --ReaperSWE 06:45, 29 September 2006 (CDT)

Welcome to the World of the Wurm.


Creating an Account

The first thing you want to do is to create a valid account. To do this, go to the Wurmonline webpage and click Register. You will be asked for a Player name and an email adress. Please note that the playername can only contain Alphabetic characters and no spaces. All letters in the name but the first one will be in lowercase.

You will then recive an email to the email adress you supplied, in which there will be a completion link that will take you to the page where you choose your password and Challenge phrase. Once this step is complete, you may start the game by going back to the main webpage and clicking the 'Launch' image.

You must have the latest Java platform installed on your system to play Wurm Online. You may get Java here.

The Interface

When you start wurm for the first time you will be greeted with a Basic Gameplay message, scroll down and click send. The interface consists of 6 major components, only 2 are visible by default.



  • Green: Stamina - Your stamina will decrease while doing fatiguing tasks and increase while resting.
  • Red: Damage - Your wounds and health is displayed here. When the bar goes all red, you're dead.
  • Blue: Water - How much water you have in your body. This controls how fast you regain your stamina.
  • Brown: Food - How hungry you are. When this bar is full, so are you. Your hunger controls weither you can do hard work such as digging and chopping trees or not.

Hovering the mouse over any of these bars will give you more a percantage (%) level.

Chatbox and Eventlog

In the lower right is the chatbox, here you can communicate with other players and send special slash-commands (/help) to the eventlog. By clicking on the 'Jenn-Kellon' Kingdom tab, you can talk globally to all players on the same server. If the Jenn-Kellon chat tab is not available, you can type /shout <message> in the local channel to open the J-K channel.

In the lower left is the eventlog. All nearby and global events are listed here. There are three buttons in this window;

  • Climbing allows you to climb on steep areas as long as you have enough stamina.
  • Faithful controls weither or not you can go against the will of your god. (When you start, you are not aligned to any god.)
  • Lawful controls weither or not you can go against the law of your current area.

Skills window

The skills window is accessed by pressing F2. This will display all your skills and how good you are at it. More skills will be available as you uncover them. By pressing the plus, [+] you can expand the skill tree.

Hovering the mouse over any of the skills will display you a more detailed digit number.

Inventory window

Aah, the good stuff. Press F3 to bring your inventory window up. The body tree will display all the equipment you have equipped and all the wounds you have acquired.

The inventory tree displays all items (including money if you have any), you have gathered. You will start with some basic low-quality items.

Console window

The console is brought up by pressing the F1 key. There is no known real use of the console other than entering the toggle status command.


If you have acquired a compass and put it in you inventory, the compass will be visible next to your stamina bar.

The first steps

I assume you must be eager to get started, so here we go.

You move around with the W-A-S-D keys, alternativly the arrow keys. To look around, you hold the left mouse button and move the mouse. Your food and water bars has probably decreased a bit while you were reading this. If you look around, you should see two small buildings; one named New Town Trade Center and the other New Town Bistro and Welcome Center.

Go towards the door of the Bistro and it will auto-open for you. Inside is an NPC (Non-Playing-Character) named Chef Kesselman, interact with him by rightclicking him and click Ask for refreshment once the menu has loaded. This NPC will give you free food and water until you have played for longer than 24 real-life hours. You can check how long you have played by entering /time in the chatbox.