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Wurm Server Release History

757 bytes added, 21:47, 28 September 2006
added 060926
If anyone has the /news from before March 2004 please add it to this page.
* Traders no longer accept normal items to trade for deeds, since disbanding deeds yield money. The reason for this is that it ruins our business, which unfortunate since it would be a nice feature otherwise.
* Flattening has been revamped. Hopefully it is for the better, at least it is less buggy. You should be able to flatten in areas where you could not before, including close to water. Digging skill gain speed has been increased.
* Spell effects on items now slowly dissipates with use. The enchantment dissipates faster the lower the power of the effect.
* Omnivores and carnivores now will eat your dishes.
* Tweaked the difficulty of repairing walls and fences to make it easier.
* You may no longer /tell other players while muted.
* Fixed a bug where creating items either became 0 or 100 percent.


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