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Wurm Server Release History

1,410 bytes added, 12:47, 3 December 2005
added /news from 051130
If anyone has the /news from before March 2004 please add it to this page.
* Colors! You may now find out how to create dyes with the basic colors. You may mix them by using drag and drop into containers (this will be simplified soon). Then you may use that dye to color some items and building walls.
* Reputation system added, and thieving. Non-HOTS people who want to steal things from villages or structures in their kingdom may now loose reputation if they are noticed. You start with reputation 100.
When it reaches 0 you will be labeled Outlaw, and may be attacked by any player from your kingdom and they will receive no penalty for it. When your reputation goes below -100 you will also be attacked by kingdom guards. When your reputation goes below -200 you will convert to HOTS.
You may check your reputation using the command [i]/reputation[/i]. Reputation goes up with about 1 per hour, even if offline. Guards in a village may notice you and stop you from stealing in that village. Owners or guests of a structure and kingdom guards noticing you may stop you from stealing from an undeeded structure. The closer you are to someone stealing the lower that persons chances to steal are. Drinking, filling, eating and dragging is also protected by the reputation system. If you kill someone with positive reputation you will loose a large amount of reputation. If you die as non-HOTS while your reputation is negative, you will loose 5 times as much skill.


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