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Wurm Server Release History

902 bytes added, 12:06, 27 February 2006
no edit summary
If anyone has the /news from before March 2004 please add it to this page.
* Steaks now properly need to be made in a frying pan. Meat or fish with some appropriate vegetable, and no liquid.
* Creatures and guards should now ignore you when you are invulnerable.
* You are no longer invulnerable in hostile villages, when you log on or off.
* Spell levels have changed.
* Items may now only be taken from a cart or raft by the person dragging it if it is dragged.
* Vynora has some new spells that improves items. Libila has one as well. They may destroy the item depending on item quality, so try them out on something cheap.
* Drain health now heals wounds if you have any.
* Pets now are tame longer than 24 hours. Sorry.
* Pickaxes are now in the miscellaneous skill group instead of axes. Weapon group skills increase faster, except axes. You no longer parry with axes.
* Creatures should leave caves more frequently.
* A bug with stealing fixed.


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