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Wurm Server Release Notes 2014

349 bytes added, 07:21, 30 August 2014
Added 140829
== 140829 Kingdom rulers need to be premium, change to farwalker amulets ==
* Template kingdom leaders will now auto abdicate when they are no longer premium
* Fix so you get a drumroll when you get a rare fish
* Unfinished items can no longer be mailed
* Farwalker amulets may no longer be used with enemy players present
== 140822 Post Summer Batch ==
*Drumroll message moved to correct place*Added ability to put fences in archs*Added ability to rename a list of items*Added ability to set price on a list of items*Added Drop -> as pile*Added new command /addfriend to enable adding friends remotely (even x-server)*Fix for picking rare flowers, so get a drumroll*Adamantine boulders from volcanoes now have 1/4th of previous yield*The volcanoes on Chaos are back*Fixed a bug where some forage/botanize options allowed you to stay mounted while foraging*Increased Seal/Tortoise spawn rates*Fixed examine description of cake, cake slices and risotto*Terraforming permissions are now also enforced when targeting a boat while dredging, instead of a tile*You no longer need pickup permission to rotate items on a deed. You will still need push/pull/turn permission however*You can no longer push mounts if you neither have push permissions nor driver permissions*Global ignore will no longer tell you if a player is not on your server*Allowed dredging to ignore the road slopes*Village bonuses max values were increased. Also reduced effect of more villagers*Champions that left for home servers no longer block Champion slots after their 6 months are up*Fixed a bug that allowed planted recruitment boards to be taken after a server restart*Moved drumroll for picking sprouts to end of action*Newbie buffs no longer can be dispelled*A situation where enemy presence wasn’t removed when an opponent was killed was fixed*Seals can now be tamed with fish*Valrei creatures should now spawn on Chaos


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