Wurmpedia:Current events

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Main / Current events


Current events icon.png Current Events in Wurm Online, 2015

This section will be updated by the Wurmpedia team as and when information is released from Public Relations or prior to a popular community event. Also check out the recent updates for detailed changes to the client and server.

Archived posts will not be updated so should not be considered current.

News & events

Weekly News #12 State of War

By Retrograde - Forum Link

Java Security Warning

This week it was announced that there was a security issue in the current version of java, we highly recommend you update as soon as you can, for more info check here.

Patch Notes

PvP Changes

After a week of discussion with the dev team, we ave compiled a list of changes that we feel help improve the current mechanics of PvP servers, as well as pacing the way for the larger update later in the year. These changed are now open for discussion and feedback, and we will for with you over the following week to ensure that they are positive changes.

The full list of proposed changed can be found in our feature feedback thread here.


Easter is upon us, and that mean several things, namely, the Easter bunny! The bunny will now spawn automatically on Easter, rather than being summoned. They will spawn around the starter deed, so keep your eyes peeled!

Easter Impalong.

There's an impalong at the amazing Hill of Swedes deed on Deliverance this weekend, with Daash and co. putting on a tremendous setup, one of my favorite impalong locations so far (Okay, ill admit, they have all been my favorite). Already some strange mobs have been sighted, as well as the sound of GM's chuckling as they assault the poor Wurmians. I'll be popping in from time to time over the weekend and hope to see you all there!

Cave dwellings public testing!

This weekend is the launch of our public testing for cave dwellings! I've been working hard this week on setting up a huge cavern for you all to jump in and build your very own home underground, but thats not all...

We'll be hosting a special giveaway for those who have jumped on and tested it out, upon testing, you'll be able to fill out a quick survey about your experience and ensure that it all went smoothly. Five lucky testers will be selected to win a prize of five sleep powders, with 1 winner receiving a grand prize of a beautiful rare 90quality silver pickaxe, with a cast of 100 Blessing of the Dark! Perfect for getting your cave ready for the mansion you'll be building!

The thread with all the info will go live early tomorrow in the public testing board, s make sure you check it out!

I spy with my little eye, something begging with !, its a treasure hunt!

Enki has put together a wonderful fun hunt for the next weekend on Pristine, I tested it myself and it proved to be quite entertain, If you're a professional Treasure hunter, or a master at i spy, pr just awesome at jigsaw puzzles, this hunt is bound to be your kind of thing!

The hunt starts on March 22... You'll have to ask Enki about that one.

--Zachariah (talk) 19:33, 25 March 2016 (CET)

Pristine Treasure Hunt

Forum Link

The next treasure hunt for March has been announced!

At this moment only a few details have been given as it must be tested first.

The hunt will be an I spy game. You will be given a piece of a map with a location marked n it. It will be up to you to find out where it is and what it is based on the clue given by examining each item of the hunt.

Each window will consist of a code to retrieve the net piece of the map and the description of the next object you are looking for. The map pieces will be like a puzzle, it will be up to you to determine the proper orientation of the pieces on the map as I have randomly turned most of them 90 or 180 degrees. I promise you none of them are turned 270 degrees, if you find any that are in just means you went the long way around.

I will warn you right now that you will only get one chance to read each clue. Once you close or lose the window, it's gone for good. So be careful and get the clue the first time every time!

This will be a good time to brush off your basic image editing skills, and copy and paste skills as well.

/Enki (Head Game Master)

--Zachariah (talk) 00:30, 22 March 2016 (CET)

Weekly News #11 Fly me to the moon

By Retrograde - Forum Link

Patch Notes

Several keen astronomers have sighted a new moon in the night sky! After a long period of time in the blind spot Haven is now visible, and with it some exciting changes! We plan on introducing more information behind the mystery of Haven as time goes on, but the first change is slightly obvious given the examine text...

We have started working on the foundation of a new tutorial and will be replacing the Golden Valley map that is currently live. Currently the project is still in its early stages, with planning and preperation being done before introducing the new map. As Golden Valley is also the login server, migrating databases is a little tricky, so due to this we will simply be changing the map with all items and buildings remaining. We will then have the current tutorial operating while we build the new tutorial behind the scenes.

As mentioned last week, Solmark has stepped down as Lead Forum Moderator, to enjoy a peaceful retirement as a CA. I'm pleased to announce that Firestarter has filled the shoes of LFM, with Pandalet taking over as Assistant LFM. We will continue to work closely to ensure that practices remain as transparent and smoothly operating as possible.

After a month of jumping in and out of PvP chats, I have finished my PvP review and forwarded it on to the development team, who almost took my hand with it! We will discuss this most likely on Monday or Tuesday, and have something ready to put forward next week in regards to changes and outlines, so stay tuned!

This week saw a fix for caves that had large spaces with floors that weren't reinforced. This affected a few players negatively, and was quickly removed. We apologise for the inconvenience caused, and I have arranged with the GM team that any heratige sites that have had veins appear from this issue can have them removed via support ticket. Please note this is for heratige sites only.

Over the past two weeks we've had a giveaway for Wurm Unlimited keys to celebrate offline mode. The number of applications has been amazing, and I'm pleased to announce the five winners are:

  • Don S.
  • Mirka T.
  • Bruce H.
  • Erik B.
  • Sylvia F.

If you didn't win (which according to the maths is well over 99% of you) Wurm Unlimited is currently 40% off, it ends soon so get in quick!

--Zachariah (talk) 05:11, 21 March 2016 (CET)

Easter Impalong

Deliverance is having a community imalong!

The impalong will be held at HOS farm, as seen on the community made map its located at 4x29y or on the ingame map at M8. The deed is easily accessed by water and from Green Dog its a 10 minute ride via the Green Dog tunnel.

The event will be held from Thursday the 24th (March) 12:00 cet time to Monday the 28th 16:00 cet time.

This will be an impalong, you may come and get your items imped up to 70ql, there will be a limit of 5 items or one armour set. This is to make sure we can help as many players as possible.

We hope to see you there!

--Zachariah (talk) 05:11, 21 March 2016 (CET)