Cleaned the page, seemed someone had cluttered it up with unnecessarily long sentences again. Short sentences promote readability. Noticed this as well:
*"A campire will raise the difficulty by 5*(nr_of_unique_ingredients-1), eg 2 meats + 1 onion counts for difficulty only as 2 ingredients"
^ The above makes no sense to me. This was not how it was working with meals the last time I did cooking so I removed it. The formula makes it look like all ingredients have the same difficulty impact on the dish and that they have a relation to the fireplace it's cooked in. If it is true for some other dish I don't know but it shouldn't be listed in the general hot food cooking wiki anyhow.
[[User:Aeris|Aeris]] ([[User talk:Aeris|talk]]) 19:48, 13 October 2012 (CDT)