Pig food

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Revision as of 08:38, 21 April 2012 by Skyefox (talk | contribs)
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Main / Skills / Cooking / Pig food

Smelly food, edible only by pigs.

Pig food is the byproduct from failing dye. It is used for cooking and for feeding pigs. It is also edible by the player, but it will almost never fill up the hunger bar, nor raise nutrition.

Pig food can be used as an ingredient in stew, casserole and meal as a spice, provided it is searing hot. If other ingredients reach searing hot before the pig food does, it will not be cooked.


Pig food is no longer the by product of failing to produce juice of olive oil. This change occurred in one of the April 2012 updates. There is no confirmation that failure to make dye produces pig food at this point.