
From Wurmpedia
Revision as of 14:52, 24 August 2009 by Zao (talk | contribs) (→‎Story: My husband showed me this game a month ago and now he is no longer interested so I have been playing his avatar that he made for me ever since :))
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Zao is a citizen of MR who currently lives in Whosville. Her journey started out in GV like all others but upon becoming as strong as possible she journeyed up to the portal to the [Wild] and the second stage of her journey began. Upon arriving at the Wild she set out to make a home on the coast but was quickly found by a fellow member of her kingdom and told that area was not safe. Upon being invited to this new friends town she spent her first few weeks wandering around the surrounding area and getting her bearings. After a while she finally settled down on Noob St (Thanks to Togo) and began to work on her mining and smithing while helping fellow new citizens to settle down in the surrounding area. Always ready to help a fellow citizen in need she can't wait for the opportunity to be able to give something back to her community.



  • Made first set of chain armor (minus the jacket) and my first long sword and IMPed all of it to 12QL+ (This is all in one day) AUG 24 2009