Lore:Siege of Merkamanost

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Siege of Merkamanost
Date: January 28th, 2007
Location: Merkamanost
Result: Jenn-Kellon Victory, Successful defense
Kingdom: HOTS Jenn-Kellon
Towns: Libilian Outlaws
Plaguewind Spire
Silron Valley
Strength: 12 Warriors Heavy Guards
8-10 Warriors
Spawn Point


The Blacklighter attackers began their assault on Merkamanost by first establishing an altar to their god Libila, southwest of the fort Merkamanost. Once complete they marched to a beach just east of the homestead of Rolling Hills (the front gate of Merkamanost), assembled a catapult in record-time, and launched their assault on Rolling Hills.

After breaking through the homestead and entering the cave complex below which leads to Merkamanost, the attackers faced a counter-attack from the defenders, who had equipped the armour from fallen attackers. Although the defenders suffered large casualties, they managed to hold off the attackers. During this battle the spirit templars of the homestead started to respawn, cutting off the retreat path of the attackers.

The blacklighter attackers retreated back to the beach to start the attack again from a different approach; They attempt to mine to the inside of the cave complex to avoid the homestead guards. This attempt failed as the cave complex had been reinforced by support beams.

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