Quality lock

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Main / Quality lock


Some bulk containers can be Quality locked by attaching a large padlock or a small padlock, and then enabling the feature.


You can set a minimum allowed quality in the container, the maximum, or both, by right-clicking the container, then clicking “Permissions” followed by “Set Quality Lock”. The event window will show a text like "The minimum quality level allowed in this container is now 60."


To disable the feature, right click the container, and select "Permissions", "Disable Quality Lock". The event window will show a text like "This container will now accept any quality level."


When examining a quality locked bulk container the minimum quality level of allowed items will be displayed.
It is locked with a lock of <quality estimate> quality, allowing a minimum quality level of <minimum QL>.


This feature can be applied to


  • The container must be empty to enable the feature.
  • The highest minimum quality you can set is determined by the quality level of the lock, rounded up to the nearest whole number.
  • Maximum quality allowed in the container can be any whole number up to (and including) 100.
  • If a maximum quality is set, only items under that quality will be allowed, For example, if a container is set with a minimum of 90QL and a maximum of 100QL, 100QL items will not be allowed.