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JOAT residing in Insanity Hills


  • [2009-03-01 02:54:19] You have just received the title 'Trollslayer'!
  • [2009-03-12 17:31:56] You have just received the title 'Carpenter'!
  • [2009-05-22 22:58:24] You have just received the title 'Handyman'!
  • [2009-06-20 08:29:53] You have just received the title 'Digger'!
  • [2009-07-01 09:31:58] You have just received the title 'Miner'!
  • [2009-07-25 19:50:34] You have just received the title 'Excavator'!
  • [2009-09-11 20:08:21] You have just received the title 'Renowned Carpenter'!
  • [2009-11-25 23:31:08] You have just received the title 'Prime Minester'!
  • [2009-11-30 02:54:02] You have just received the title 'Blacksmith'!
  • [2009-12-02 14:40:43] You have just received the title 'Fine Carpenter'!
  • [2009-12-02 14:48:47] You have just received the title 'Lumberjack'!
  • [2009-12-11 15:03:36] You have just received the title 'Farmer'!
  • [2009-12-12 15:24:28] You have just received the title 'Fletcher'!
  • [2010-02-03 21:13:19] You have just received the title 'Mason'!
  • [2010-02-28 22:27:48] You have just received the title 'Repairman'!
  • [2010-04-09 22:31:58] You have just received the title 'Smith'!
  • [2010-04-10 21:08:31] You have just received the title 'Caterer'!
  • [2010-04-12 22:44:08] You have just received the title 'Tim the Toolman'!
  • [2010-04-14 23:21:31] You have just received the title 'Soldier'!
  • [2010-05-24 23:16:47] You have just received the title 'Renowned Blacksmith'!
  • [2010-07-14 21:33:32] You have just received the title 'Prospector'!
  • [2010-09-22 20:18:16] You have just received the title 'Weaponsmith'!
  • [2010-09-25 00:58:20] You have just received the title 'Timberman'!
  • [2010-09-25 14:45:17] You have just received the title 'Coaler'!
  • [2010-10-29 22:09:18] You have just received the title 'Goldsmith'!
  • [2010-12-05 03:18:17] You have just received the title 'Body Builder'!
  • [2011-01-02 15:01:29] You have just received the title 'Mercenary'!
  • [2011-03-15 05:41:30] You have just received the title 'Guru'!
  • [2011-04-17 03:25:19] You have just received the title 'Mastermine'!
  • [2011-05-09 16:07:07] You have just received the title 'Gardener'!
  • [2011-06-19 13:08:49] You have just received the title 'Renowned Goldsmith'!
  • [2011-07-01 01:16:08] You have just received the title 'Forester'!
  • [2011-07-13 01:08:40] You have just received the title 'Platesmith'!
  • [2011-07-17 15:45:40] You have just received the title 'Swami'!
  • [2011-07-25 00:23:14] You have just received the title 'Stabber'!
  • [2011-07-26 00:06:48] You have just received the title 'Shieldsmith'!
  • [2011-08-25 20:38:00] You have just received the title 'Tinker'!
  • [2011-09-03 12:06:36] You have just received the title 'Iron Chef'!
  • [2011-09-24 19:34:57] You have just received the title 'Dragonslayer'!


Vynora priest with 97 faith residing in Insanity Hills.


  • [2009-12-08 14:47:45] You have just received the title 'Padre'!
  • [2010-02-19 00:29:05] You have just received the title 'Channeler'!
  • [2010-03-25 19:33:03] You have just received the title 'Devout'!
  • [2010-04-12 20:27:23] You have just received the title 'Fisherman'!
  • [2011-01-05 19:33:43] You have just received the title 'Conduit'!
  • [2011-01-10 17:02:29] You have just received the title 'Enlightened'!


Fo priestess with 94 faith residing in Insanity Hills. Mayor of Insanity Hill Mining Outpost


  • [2010-07-19 22:05:50] You have just received the title 'Norn'!
  • [2010-11-09 17:16:09] You have just received the title 'Mystic'!
  • [2011-05-13 17:09:36] You have just received the title 'Enlightened'!
  • [2011-05-13 19:22:07] You have just received the title 'Channeler'!


Wurm skill ratio

Checks wurm log files for events related to skill gains and respective actions and computes skill gain ratio and gain per hour.


Additional scripts for other skills can be added to the %LOCALAPPDATA%\WurmSkillRatio directory.

The scripts are written in CS-Script which is essentially C#. All files with a *.cs extension are automaticly picked up. They have to implement the isActionStart, isActionEnd, isSkillGain and getName methods.

Example: ropemaking.cs (covering bow strings only)

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

public class RopemakingMessageParser
    private Regex reStart = new Regex("You start to work with the rope tool");
    private Regex reEnd = new Regex("You (almost made it, but the|create a) bow string");
    private Regex reSkill = new Regex("Ropemaking increased");

    public bool isActionStart(String message)
        return reStart.IsMatch(message);
    public bool isActionEnd(String message)
        return reEnd.IsMatch(message);
    public bool isSkillGain(String message)
        return reSkill.IsMatch(message);
    public String getName()
        return "Ropemaking";


Simple application to keep track of various timers in Wurm. Also checks the log files for specific messages and starts timers automaticly.


Parses Wurm log files and expands the timestamp to include the date


use Posix;

my $date;
my $lasttime;
while (<>) {

    if (/^Logging started (....-..-..)/) 
        $date = $1;
        $lasttime = "";
    elsif (/^\[(\d\d:\d\d:\d\d)\] (.*)/) 
        my $time = $1;
        my $message = $2;
        if ($lasttime > $time) {
            my ($yyyy, $mm, $dd) = ($date =~ /(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/);
            $date = POSIX::strftime("%Y-%m-%d", 0, 0, 0, $dd + 1, $mm - 1, $yyyy - 1900);
        printf "[%s %s] %s\n", $date, $time, $message;
        $lasttime = $time;