Cordage rope

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Main / Skills / Ropemaking / Cordage rope

Cordage rope
A Cordage rope
  1. Activate rope tool
  2. Right-click wemp fibre (0.65 kg)
  3. Open submenu "Create > Ropes"
  • Cordage rope (0.50 kg)
Skill and improvement


This rope is thinner and used for hoisting and lowering sails.

Cordage rope is the most difficult rope to create. It is used in shipbuilding, for some traps, and also for sacrificing.


Cordage rope requires approximately 20 ropemaking skill. With a high quality rope tool this requirement will diminish. For example with a 65ql rope tool you will need just under 15 ropemaking skill, whereas with a 26ql rope tool you will need nearly 21 skill. Cordage ropes become an option when your chance to make a mooring rope increases to 25%.

  • At 9.00 skill with a 40.00 rare rope tool: (Item % are: Cordage Rope 6%, Mooring Rope 25%, Rope 77%, Thick Rope 52%, and Bow String 65%).
  • At 13.97 skill with a 68.86 rope tool: (Items % are: Thick rope 50%, Rope 75%, Bow String 64%, Mooring Rope 24%, Cordage Rope 6%).
  • At 50 skill with a 72ql rope tool: (Items % are: Thick rope 99%, Rope 99%, Bow String 99%, Mooring Rope 97%, Cordage Rope 86%). End product is inconsistent regarding quality, with 50 84ql Wemp Fibre results were 37 ropes ranging from 1 to 81 ql with only 3 above 70ql.
  • Cordage appears with 6% at 41.5 skill with a 1QL ropetool.

Failure to create a cordage rope results in the loss of 0.05kg of wemp fibre.
