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Main / Religion / Fo


Fo is the diety of gardening and farming. His channeling item is the tree sprout.


Fo's Converting Speech

His creations surround you. His love is everywhere around you.
He is the father of all things. He created the world out of love and passion.
To embrace Fo is to embrace all living things around you.
All and everyone is equal, but different.
We are all dirt. We are all gems. We just come in different shapes and colors.
To create more and love all that is already created is to love Fo.
To passionately strike down at those who aim to destroy these creations is to love Fo.
To strive after beauty and harmony with nature is to love Fo.

Fo's Inscription (Altar of Three)

I am Fo. I am the Silence and the Trees. The sprout is my symbol. Silent and lonely I lingered in darkness. Look around you. I created this of love and loneliness. You are all like, but different. You are all dirt. You are all gems. You just come in different shapes and colors. Do my bidding. Let all things grow into the splendor they may possess. Strive after beauty and harmony with nature. Let your soul become a lustrous gem. With the same passion by which I once created all this, strike down at those who aim to destroy these creations. Love me. Let me love you.