Chat commands

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Main Page :: Chat commands

Chat commmands are commands for use in chat. Do not confuse them with IRC or console commands.



Same as /help
/help or /? 
Lists most of these chat commands in a :Help tab

Chat and channel commands

/all or /ally or /alliance
Opens, or sends message to your Alliance channel, if you are in one.
Toggles the Community Assistant (CA Help) channel window.
Toggles kingdom and GL-Kingdom channels.
Opens, or sends message to your GL-Kingdom channel.
/me <text> 
Chat message without <> around your name, in a yellow color (aka Emote). Works in all channels except kchat. (Example: '/me dances' produces 'Bob dances' when Bob types it.)
/shout <message> 
Opens, or sends message to your Kingdom channel.
/support <message> 
Broadcast the message to the chat moderators and game masters on your server when you need support. (Replacement for /dev).
/team <message> 
Opens, or sends message to your Team channel, if you are in one.
/tell <person> <message> 
Sends a private message to the person. They must be on the same server as you are.
/vil or /village <message> 
Opens, or sends message to your Village channel, if you are in one.

Information commands

Shows who you have been fighting the last five minutes.
Shows how many times you have changed kingdom and when you can convert again.
Displays how much time you have left to perform fatiguing tasks.
Shows your current focus level.
Displays ignore list.
Display basic game info.
Displays kingdom influence on the server.
Displays how many lives (respawns) remain for a champion. (Probably of no use now after Champions were changed.)
Shows logout time--how long until you leave game if you lose link. This includes logging out.
Shows the list of active missions. Only useful on an Epic server.
Shows your current battle rank.
Shows top battle ranks on the server.
Displays your current reputation.
Displays your current remaining sleep bonus.
Shows current game time and date, as well as your total playing time and remaining premium time.
Displays your current title.
Shows the time since the last server reboot.
Shows information about your official moderation warnings. These do not include any mute warnings issued by CM's or GM's.
Wind direction and speed
Shows the amount of players currently logged in.

Control commands

/changeemail <newemail> <password> 
Changes your email. The password is this case is not the current toon's, but any password for toons using the email your trying to change too. Fictitious example: /changeemail Brown33board. Here Brown33board would not be the currently logged in toon's password. Forum explanation
Toggles sleep bonus on and off. Set to Off when you log on.
/ignore <player> 
Add player to ignore list, or remove them if already ignored. Does not work on GL (Global) channels at this time.
Toggles whether you allow people to invite you to join their kingdom or religion. Set to Off when you log on.
/password <oldpassword> <newpassword> 
Changes your password.
Displays window allowing you to award your referral, and use the ones you have received yourself.
/release corpse 
Makes all your current corpses lootable by anyone from your kingdom. Normally, people from same kingdom who aren't friends, fellow citizens, or allies cannot loot your corpses.
/remove <person> 
Removes the person from your friends list.
Displays the respawn dialog. For use when you are dead.
/revoke <village name> 
Revokes your citizenship of the specified village (i.e. allows you to leave without being kicked out by the mayor).
Frees all the animal husbandry slots for caring.
Helps you getting out from trees and such that you are stuck in.
Presents a suicide dialog.
Displays all your achieved titles and lets you choose which to display.
Brings a very old player from Wild to Freedom for free with all its items intact.
Sends your twit to your village twitter, if enabled.
/vote <citizen> 
Vote for citizen as village mayor.

See also