Large crate

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Main / Skills / Carpentry / Large crate

Large crate
A Large crate
Total materials
  • Large crate
Skill and improvement
  • Can be dyed using 3456g of paint.


A large crate made from planks, primarily used to transport goods.


  • A large crate can hold up to 300 items, regardless of individual item volume. The crate itself, empty or otherwise, has a volume of 1,728. This creates the vision that the crate is bigger on the inside than it is on the outside as the volume of 300 dirt alone, for example, way exceeds that of the crate.
  • Requires 60 carpentry to create (and continue), 23% chance with a 1 QL plank.
  • The plank's QL affects the success chance.
  • Can be stored in vehicles and can also be stored in a crate rack by moving from a vehicle's cargo hold to the crate rack.
  • Cannot be taken and held directly in player inventory.
  • Prevents decay of its contents similar to bulk storage bin and food storage bins.
  • Items that fit in bulk or food storage bins also fit in crates.
  • May be 'hauled Up' to upper floors of buildings, and 'hauled Down', but to haul down you must be on the same floor opening as the crate, and not below it. To haul up, you must be on the floor opening above the crate.
  • Hauling only works on floor openings with ladders and not with stairs or gaps in the floor.
  • May be loaded while full or empty, but cannot be picked up to the inventory regardless.
  • Large crates aren't efficient for transporting items with a volume of less than 5.76 since the 300 of these items would take up a lot less volume in a smaller container than that of the crate, for example seeds in satchels.
  • 5% of each of the stored items are lost every 28 days. This loss does not apply to containers on a deed with more than 28 days of upkeep left.

Vehicle Load Capacity

Vehicle Quantity
Large cart 3
Wagon 12
Cog 29
Corbita 49
Knarr 43
Caravel 62
Wagoner container 20

See Also