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Main / Skills / Skills



Skills indicate how good you are doing certain actions. The higher your skill, the more successful you are in performing that action. Depending on skills, they also affect the time to complete an action.

Skill gain

Your skill-gain is the highest when your success chance is 50%. A lower or higher success chance lowers the amount of skill gained when succeeding. The further away from 50% success chance you are, the lower the skill gain.

Improving actions will usually give more skill than creating actions.

You may gain skill even failing an action - that depends on skill. For instance, lockpicking won't raise on failures, but carpentry will.

Stamina affects skill gain. If you have less than 30 stamina, you will gain half as much skill. It's recommended to have full stamina when you start an action. Action time also affects skill gain. The longer the action, the more skill you gain for that action.

Family skills

Parent skills help the success chance of their sub-skills. Sub-skills increase the skill amount of the parent skill.


Each skill uses a certain characteristic. Raising the skill will automatically raise the characteristic, although at a very low rate. A high characteristic helps the success chance of all the skills that use that characteristic.

For details on which skills increase which characteristics, see the characteristics page.

Skill decay

There is no skill decay. Skill gained can only be lost by dying.


Some skills can also give titles when reaching a certain level. The usual level requirements are 50, 70 and 90. See the titles page for more details.

'Opening' Skills

Sometimes creation options won't appear in the list until a skill is 'opened', adding it to your skills pane and increasing it from 0 to 1. You can open a skill by practicing it for the first time. This often means attempting to create an object that uses the skill. Even if you cancel out of the action, the skill will be opened, and the missing creation options (provided you have a minimum percent chance of success at them) will appear.

Skill list
